When you want to know if it's Raining, or Sunny or Cloudy... Back home or where you're going.
Because you need to know the Weather NOW, not last hour or yesterday... We deliver YOUR weather NOW.
Got Browser? View your Weather anywhere on your local network... No App Required.
Show your family EXACTLY what they are missing... Share your weather with the world.
Upload YOUR data to YOUR website... or another Weather Service (WeatherUnderground, CWOP, PWSWeather, Windy...).
Always know what the sky state is like at your Weather Station. Based on user-submitted observations and a historical look at your precise location, WeatherBox predicts an accurate 'sky' view.
WeatherBox shows you the raw rain data from your Weather Station. How hard is it raining? How much rain are you getting? When did the rain start? How long did it rain? What are the daily/weekly/monthly rain totals?